3 Days until MN Senate Committee Deadline: Where are the gun rights bills?
8 Days until MN Senate Committee Deadline: Where are the gun rights bills?
Special Video for GOP Delegates in Senate District 20
This is a special video for GOP Delegates in Senate District 20 – where Rep. Steve Drazkowski and Rep. Barb Haley are both competing for the Republican endorsement for State …
Special Video for GOP Delegates in Senate District 20Read More
MN Gun Report LIVE! 02/23/22
Tonight’s show: Sen. John Marty doubles down on his bill that shreds the 2nd Amendment. We’ll talk about why it’s stupid to say that guns should be regulated like cars. …
2022 Gun Owners Lobby Day
Join us for the 2022 Gun Owners Lobby Day on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022. Hear from legislative leaders Preparatory/training session for legislative meetings Updates from Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus …
Senator John Marty pens major anti-gun screed: “Guns, Violence, and Vigilantes”
Senator John Marty, who last week introduced his “Repeal the Second Amendment in Minnesota” bills, has penned a major anti-gun screed over at the “Apple Pie Alliance” website. Here’s Senator …
Senator John Marty pens major anti-gun screed: “Guns, Violence, and Vigilantes”Read More
The most extreme gun control ever attempted in Minnesota: Rob Doar breaks down Senator John Marty’s Massive Gun Control Bills
In this video, Senior Vice President Rob Doar breaks down Senator John Marty’s latest anti-gun bills that essentially repeal the Second Amendment in Minnesota. Take action to stop this gun …