The Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus believes strongly that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is worth defending – through legal action and litigating the issue in courts if necessary.
While Minnesota’s firearms laws are quite clear, some government entities see fit to violate those laws and restrict your Second Amendment freedoms. We also look for opportunities to establish important precedents through legal action rather than waiting for gridlocked state and federal legislative bodies to take action.
When we see these challenges or opportunities to establish important precedents, we take action and intervene to protect your right to keep and bear arms.
In our legal actions, we often work closely with two national organizations:
Here are links to and information about some important legal actions and lawsuits where we are involved in challenging unconstitutional, unjust, and undesirable laws. Our amazing members & generous donors make our legal action programs possible.
Current Legal Actions
- February 2025: MN Gun Owners Caucus v. Walz. State constitutional claim for violating the single-subject provisions in the Minnesota Constitution, specifically asking for the court to rule the Binary Trigger Ban was passed unconstitutionally. The Caucus is the plaintiff in this case.
- June 2021: Worth v. Harrington. Federal Second Amendment constitutional challenge to Minnesota’s ban on the right to bear arms as to law-abiding young adults. The Caucus is a plaintiff in this case.
Previous Legal Actions
- 2015: Ramsey County Elections: During the 2015 elections, Ramsey County posted gun ban signs at polling places throughout the county. In February 2016, Ramsey County agreed to revise their policy and training to reflect state law.
- 2019: Anoka Technical College / Minnesota State University System: Anoka Technical College banned firearms on the entire campus for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors, in violation of Minnesota’s preemption statutes. Minnesota State agreed to revise their policies, remove signing except for specific areas being used for K-12 activities, and follow Minnesota’s preemption statutes.
- August 2021: Christopher v. Ramsey County, et al. State preemption challenge to the Minnesota State Fair’s illegal and unconstitutional prohibition on the lawful, permitted carry of firearms at the State Fair and Fairgrounds.
Amicus Briefs
An amicus brief, or amicus curiae brief, is a legal briefing submitted to a court by a non-party (often an individual, organization, or government entity) with a strong interest in the case. It provides additional arguments, expertise, or perspectives to help the court decide but does not directly represent either litigant.
The Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus files amicus briefs in federal cases across the country because threats to the Second Amendment anywhere can set legal precedents that impact gun owners everywhere. By weighing in on key cases, we help ensure that courts consider strong constitutional arguments and defend the rights of law-abiding gun owners nationwide.
Our advocacy extends beyond Minnesota because protecting the Second Amendment requires vigilance at every level of the judicial system.
Amicus Filings
- March 2025: US v. Morgan. Along with the California Rifle and Pistol Association, Gun Owners of America, and other groups, we argued that the plain text of the Second Amendment indisputably applies to machine guns as constitutionally protected firearms. We also argue more broadly that historical tradition confirms that the Second Amendment protects firearms that are useful in combat and warfare.
- July 2021: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Kevin P. Braun. Along with the Second Amendment Foundation and 11 other state gun rights groups, we have filed an Amicus Brief with the United States Supreme Court in this case. The court ruled 6-3 that the Second Amendment protects a right to carry a handgun outside the home on June 23rd, 2022.
Plaintiff Search
To bring a legal case, we need to find individuals impacted directly by a law, regulation, policy, or other governmental action to step up and join the case as a named plaintiff. This means you’re part of the legal action and directly assert a claim against a government entity or government actor.
Report an Infringement
Are you aware of a governmental entity that is infringing upon your Second Amendment rights?
Contact us right away. We’ll follow up with you within a few days and may choose to take further action if warranted.
Want to support our Legal Actions?
Our affiliated 501(c)(3), the Minnesota Gun Owners Support Fund, underwrites most of our legal action efforts.
You can make a tax-deductible donation directly to our Support Fund at this link.