Join us for the 2025 Gun Owners Lobby Day on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 from 9:30AM – 11:30AM.
Hear from legislative leaders
Preparatory/training session for legislative meetings
Updates from Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus leaders and allies
This year, we’re facing a mostly tied and divided legislature in the Minnesota House and Senate.
We’re already seeing extreme anti-gun bills, including carry bans, mandatory safety training, and more coming from House & Senate DFLers.
Why you should attend
Anti-gun groups and their activists have been active this session, just as they have been in years past. Even if they support gun control initiatives, elected officials must hear directly from you as their constituent.
The Details: Where, when, and what will I be doing?
Gun Owners Lobby Day will be Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 from 9:30AM – 11:30AM.
Check-in with our team in the State Capitol Vault.
We will have information for you, including a list of current pro-gun and anti-gun bills, speaking points to use with legislators and other materials.
Our staff and volunteers will be able to answer any questions you have about the legislative process, current bills, ratings for legislators, and information about the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus.
Go meet with your legislators!
You should schedule time with your Senator and Representative to meet during this time. You can do so by contacting them directly and letting them know you’d like a few minutes to talk as their constituent. You can find out who your legislators are and their contact information using the “Who Represents Me?” website.
We’ll have easy-to-follow speaking points to get you through the conversation – and maps to help you navigate through the complex.
Come back to the State Capitol Vault and let us know how it went.
Minnesota is fortunate to have a highly available citizen-legislature that welcomes engagement from all political spectrums and beliefs. Even if your Representative or Senator supports gun control, you’ll generally find them open to discussion and the chance to hear from a constituent.
This is a critically important event in the upcoming legislative session. We hope to see you there!