- The House Public Safety Committee will hold a hearing on three gun bills, including HF13 – Stand your Ground.
- Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
- Starting at 3:00 PM
- State Capitol – Room 120
- In-Person
- Come to State Capitol Room 120
- You may carry a firearm if you have a Minnesota Permit to Carry. We strongly recommend carrying concealed.
- Expect a large crowd – arrive early.
- See the parking map.
- Online
- You can watch the whole hearing on YouTube (link available after the hearing)
- See below for specific testimony from the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus
How to Submit Written Testimony
- Written testimony must be submitted via email by 3:00PM on Tuesday, February 25th.
- Send your testimony as a PDF attachment to Committee Administrator John Hultquist at john.hultquist@house.mn.gov. Please copy us at contact@gunowners.mn.
HF 924: Retired Peace Officer Capitol Carry
Chief Author
- Representative Jim Nash (GOP – HD 48A)
What it Does
- This bill allows Retired Peace Officers that are carrying under federal law (HR 218) to carry at the Minnesota State Capitol.
- Currently, a retired peace officer must specifically have a Minnesota Permit to Carry.
Read the Bill Text
Where does the MN Gun Owners Caucus stand on this bill?
- We are neutral on this bill.
- Generally, we do not believe that law enforcement officers (retired or current) should have special privileges to carry a firearm that peaceable citizens do not possess.
Written and Committee Testimony
- We do not plan to testify or offer written testimony on this bill.
HR 284: Non-Citizen PTC Form Change
Chief Author
- Rep. Josh Heintzeman (GOP – HD 6B)
What it Does
- This bill adds fields to the Minnesota Permit to Carry application related to an applicant’s citizenship and captures their country of birth and immigration information.
- The bill also requires the Sheriff to ensure proper immigration queries are conducted during the background check process.
- We need to do this to meet current federal requirements for the NICS process and some state reciprocity requirements.
Read the Bill Text
Where does the MN Gun Owners Caucus stand on this bill?
- We support this bill.
Written and Committee Testimony
- Watch our committee testimony (available 1-2 days after the hearing).
- Read our written testimony supporting HF284 (coming soon)
HF 13: Duty to Retreat Elimination
Chief Author
- Representative Matt Bliss (GOP – HD 2B)
- This bill has 26 GOP co-sponsors
- No DFLer is co-sponsoring this bill
What it Does
- This bill modifies MN’s laws related to self-defense by eliminating the “duty to retreat”.
Read the Bill Text
Where does the MN Gun Owners Caucus stand on this bill?
- We strongly support this bill and assisted in drafting the language.
Written and Committee Testimony
- Watch our committee testimony (available 1-2 days after the hearing).
- Read our written testimony supporting HF13 (coming soon)
Get in the Fight!
Here’s how else you can help stave off gun control and support pro-gun legislation in Minnesota.
- JOIN the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus as a member.
- DONATE: If you’re already a member, consider an additional donation to help support our efforts.
- BECOME A SECOND AMENDMENT DEFENDER: Step up your activism by becoming a monthly donor as a part of our Second Amendment Defender Program.
- VOLUNTEER: Volunteer with the Caucus and help us staff events and get the word out across the state