- The Minnesota House debated and voted on House File 13 – Duty to Retreat Elimination – on the House Floor for final passage.
- Thursday, March 6th, 2025
- Floor session began at 3:30 PM.
- Minnesota House Floor
HF 13: Duty to Retreat Elimination
Chief Author
- Representative Matt Bliss (GOP – HD 2B)
- This bill has more than 26 GOP co-sponsors
- No DFLer is co-sponsoring this bill
What it Does
- This bill modifies MN’s laws related to self-defense by eliminating the “duty to retreat”.
Read the Bill Text
Where does the MN Gun Owners Caucus stand on this bill?
- We strongly support this bill and assisted in drafting the language.
Written and Committee Testimony
Previous Votes
- This bill passed the House Public Safety Committee on a party-line vote.
- HF13 failed 67-65 (68 votes required for passage) and was tabled. It can be brought up later in this session.
- Every single DFL State Representative voted AGAINST HF13.
- Every single MN GOP State Representative voted FOR HF13.
What’s Next?
- HF13 can be brought up later in the session at any time before the session ends in May 2026.
Press Coverage
- Fox 9: MN bill that would remove ‘duty to retreat’ requirement from law fails House vote
- MN House Info Services: Bill to expand right to self-defense in Minnesota fails House vote
- KARE 11: MN bill to eliminate ‘duty to retreat’ in self-defense fails to pass
- Star Tribune: Bill rolling back ‘duty to retreat’ before using force fails to pass Minnesota House
Take Action to Support HF13
With a convoluted set of statutes, case law, and overzealous prosecutors like Mary Moriarty, peaceable Minnesotans are confused today about how they can legally defend themselves and their families when attacked by violent criminals.
Eliminating the Duty to Retreat would clarify the statutory language regarding self-defense, which the Minnesota courts created out of thin air. House File 13 and Senate File 624 would accomplish exactly this.
This should be a non-controversial bill that deserves bi-partisan support.
We need you to tell your Representative & Senator that you demand they ELIMINATE the Duty to Retreat!
Get in the Fight!
Here’s how else you can help stave off gun control and support pro-gun legislation in Minnesota.
- JOIN the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus as a member.
- DONATE: If you’re already a member, consider an additional donation to help support our efforts.
- BECOME A SECOND AMENDMENT DEFENDER: Step up your activism by becoming a monthly donor as a part of our Second Amendment Defender Program.
- VOLUNTEER: Volunteer with the Caucus and help us staff events and get the word out across the state